International Computer Music Conference
Barcelona, September 5-9, 2005


Free Sound
The Freesound Project


Important Dates
   Full & Overview Program
   Presentation Methods
Local Information
   Hotels and residencies
Program Details
   Opening Concerts
   Keynote Speech
   Commisioned Works
   Inspirational Ideas
Call for Participation
   Call for Papers & Posters
   Call for Demonstrations
   Call for Music, ...
   Call for Workshops
   Call for Panels
   Call for Inspirational Ideas
   Call for Exhibitions
   Call for Off-ICMC
Paper Submission


   Made with Smarty



Paper Presentation methods

For the papers the following presentation methods will be used. Please note that the timing of the paper is very strict and will be timed by the paper chair. This especialy goes for the short poster introductory talks.

Short Paper - Oral

20 minute talk with projection and audio.

Short Paper - Demonstration

40+ minute demonstration. You will be supplied a table with chairs, an audio installation, a projector, Internet access and space to hang one or two posters. You will be able to set this up in advance. People are free to walk in and out of the room, so an informal demonstration with hands-on material is probably better than a formal paper-like talk. To avoid too much confusion and unnecessary repetition we will time fixed times on which demonstrations should "restart" within the allocated time.

Short Paper - Poster

In the morning a fast 2 minute introduction talk with powerpoint or PDF presentation. To save time you will be able to prepare your presentation in advance by uploading it to a workstation. Around noon you will be able to hang your posters and in the afternoon there will be a poster session where you can give detailed information in person.
You will be given a table and (european!) powerplug where you can put your own laptop with examples if needed. Speakers are not alowed, headphones are.

Short Paper - Studio Report

20 minute talk with projection and audio.

Long Paper - Oral Presentation

30 minute talk with projection and audio.

Main Conference Venue & registration

C/ Padilla, 155
08013 Barcelona
Tel.: +34 93 352 30 11 (ask for ICMC)


Presented by:
IUA Phonos Foundation ESMUC

Proudly sponsored by:

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