The Freesound Project
Made with Smarty
General note...
With the help of Viages Iberia we compiled a list of hotels and there are two university residencies which offer low price accommodation. All booking should go through either Viages Iberia (see below for contact information) or directly via the Residencies, not through ICMC. For more information, please contact the appropriate persons (see below).
Hotels and recomended residencies
Below you can find the list of hotest and recomended recidencies for ICMC 2005. The numbers correspond with the numbers on the map included below (click on the map for a large version)
Recomended residencies
How to book:
- Fill in the booking application form. (Forms with incomplete data will not be valid!).
- Send it by e-mail to one residence only
- Wait for confirmation.
- Payment will be done at the check-in date.
- Residencia La Ciutadella
- Address: Passeig Pujades 33
- minimal amount of days: 4
- single room: 40� ( VAT included )
- double room: 57� ( VAT included )
- two beds in joined rooms: 70� ( VAT included )
- Residencia Campus del Mar
- Address: Passeig Salvat Papasseit 4
- single room: 50.50� ( VAT included )
- single room w/ airconditioning: 51.50� ( VAT included )
- two beds in joined rooms: 80.50� ( VAT included )
please note these residencies ask you to do cancelations 48 hours in advance
Hotels offered by Viages Iberia
How to book:
Contact Viages Iberia at [email protected].
Please put "atenci�n Rosa o Silvia, ICMC 2005 hotel booking" in the subject.
Hotel Hesperia del Mar 4*
- Address: Espronceda 6
- Price for a double room, single person use, breakfast included: 112.50�/night 7% VAT not included.
Hotel Catalonia Princesa 3*
- Address: Rec Comtal 16
- Price for a double room, single person use, breakfast included: 90.00�/night 7% VAT not included.
Hotel Catalonia Berna 4*
- Address: C Roger de Ll�ria 60
- Price for a double room, single person use: 100.00�/night 7% VAT not included.
- Hotel Catalonia Arag�n 3*
- Address: Aragon 569
- Price for a double room, single person use: 70.00�/night 7% VAT not included.
- Hotel Catalonia Athenas
- Address: Meridiana 151
- Price for a double room, single person use: 70.00�/night 7% VAT not included.
- Hotel Catalonia Duques de Bergara 4*
- Address: Bergara 11
- Price for a double room, single person use: 100.00�/night 7% VAT not included.
- Hotel Hesperia Sarri� 4*
- Address: Los vergos 20
- Price for a double room, single person use, breakfast included: 125.00�/night 7% VAT not included.
- Hotel Hesperia Presidente 4*
- Address: Av. Diagonal 570
- Price for a double room, single person use, breakfast included: 165.00�/night 7% VAT not included.
- Hotel Hesperia del Port 3*
- Address: Avenida Paralelo 40
- Price for a double room, single person use, breakfast included: 110.00�/night 7% VAT not included.
- Gran Hotel Catalonia 4*
- Address: Calle Balmes 142
- Price for a double room, single person use: 90.00�/night 7% VAT not included.
- Hotel Catalonia C�rcega 4*
- Address: Corcega 368
- Price for a double room, single person use: 80.00�/night 7% VAT not included.
- Hotel Catalonia Suite 4*
- Address: Muntaner 505
- Price for a double room, single person use: 80.00�/night 7% VAT not included.
Main Conference Venue & registration
C/ Padilla, 155
08013 Barcelona
Tel.: +34 93 352 30 11 (ask for ICMC)