The Phonos Foundation, the Audiovisual Institute (IUA) of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and the Escola Superior de Musica of Catalunya (ESMUC), under the auspices of the International Computer Music Association (ICMA), invite you to attend and participate in the 2005 International Computer Music Conference ICMC 2005 to be held in Barcelona.

People are organs of a living earth - and the cells of its body. The symphony of the cosmic concert is the music of nature - the natural "free music". If you pay attention to this art and laws of its development, everybody knows that the noises of the sea, wind, thunderstorm, makes a symphony as well as the music of birds - but right now, people exploit the music of nature according to the old laws - if they were paying more attention, they would be enlightened more - It would turn out that water, air and birds, don't sing according to our notes, but using all the notes that they find pleasure in - and with that, the laws of the natural music are observed exactly'.

The creator of free music similarly to a nightingale is not limited to tones and half-tones. He also utilizes quarter-tones, eighth-tones as well as music with a free choice of tones.

Nikolai Kulbin, "Free Music" manifesto published in Der Blaue Reiter Almanach (1910)
translated from the Russian by Ruslana Zitserman and Lonce Wyse